Sunday, May 24, 2009

April Trip

Eagle Creek - Holiday Road bridge to Lions Park

This was not our original destination but it turned out to be a really nice trip. We originally planned to do our usual short-duration run from Turkeyfoot Park to Lions Park, but when we pulled in to unload the boats there were about 10 no parking signs along the road. Apparently now that it is a real park the people who live around it don't want it to be used by anyone who has to drive to it so the Town has obliged them by making it impossible to park there.

Fortunately the Holiday Road bridge has been restored with a new deck and paint (an orange that will really get it noticed) and there is space alongside the road to park. There are no trespassing signs on the property adjacent to the road, so hopefully that won't be a problem in the future, but we were at least able to get on the water there.

We didn't have any obstacles on the trip, it was just a nice paddle down to Lion's Park. The water level was really nice and kept us floating through the places we sometimes have to walk at low levels.

This makes 32 months in a row...we're sneaking up on three years of monthly paddle trips.

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